Hasn't it crossed your mind how a postpartum mom keeps up with her new life and gets the energy to take care of her babies and still have energy to take care of her body?
Mere was like most new moms, slammed with new responsibilities and a new norm where her Me Time was turned into Mom Time. She knew she needed to make the healthy choice so she could have the energy she needed to take on her new responsibilities.
That's when Mere turned to Dr. Ming Tea to find a solution to her problem. In just 14 days Mere managed to lose 7 lbs out of the 45 lbs she set to lose with Dr. Ming and reported having way more energy than ever before to take on her day to day with her children.

"I knew I wasn't going to see much change at first, but I went in with that idea clear in my mind which helped me be more motivated. I knew it was more important how I felt than how my body looked. I knew the results would eventually show"
On top of getting in shape for her kids, do you know what else motivated Mere to change her lifestyle with Dr. Ming Tea? SHE WAS TIRED OF HER CLOTHES NOT FITTING RIGHT!
"I was at 219 lbs of pure mom! I knew going in I had to change up my diet and exercise regime, but I never went in because I didn't love my body. It was more a matter of my clothes not fitting how I wanted to after 1 year postpartum and the weight I gained with it"
For those reading who don't know what Dr. Ming Tea is and what it's for:
The benefits of drinking green tea every day are just AMAZING! Dr. Ming Tea is an all-natural tea blend specially mixed to help detox your body, improve digestion, naturally boost metabolism and energy, and promote faster weight loss. Among other benefits like reducing impulse cravings and post meal bloat.

But don't take our word for it, take Mere's
"Less bloating was one of the things I felt A LOT a long with feeling a lot of energy I hadn't felt in a whole 1 year postpartum. I lost 7 lbs the first two weeks and I knew I was doing what I needed so my kids could get the mom they deserved!"
If you made it here, you probably have similar problems to Mere. So… Wanna lose weight, boost metabolism and energy, and be the best version of you? Join the Dr. Ming fam because green tea is good for you!
if you still have a little hesitation, check out our Dr. Ming Tea reviews here.